2018 Conference



Anniversaries are a time for reminiscing and for looking ahead. We’ll be doing both at the upcoming Centennial NEMA Conference. Our conference theme this year is Museums on the Move, investigating how museums have evolved since the very first NEMA conference and how they are positioning themselves for success in the century ahead. It’s our field’s chance to take stock – to reflect on where we’ve come from and where we are going, and to reset our GPS if necessary along the way.


Conference Location
All sessions will be located at the conference hotel unless otherwise noted.

Check the conference app and NEMA website for updates.

Hilton Stamford Hotel & Executive Meeting Center
1 First Stamford Place
Stamford, CT 06902

A special thank you to our sponsors:

Novus Laurus Museum Search & Reference Harvard Extension School
Museum Textile Services Qm2 Belfry Historic Consultants, Inc.
 Public History Dept., Dept History, UMass Amherst Kohler Ronan HTB
Tufts John Hopkins Cooperstown Graduate Program 

History Department, UMass Boston
Yale University Art Gallery Cooper Robertson