2018 Conference


Collections Service Project Volunteers

On Tuesday, November 6, 2018* NEMA’s Registrars and Collections Care Specialists (RACCS) and Conservators PAGs will be holding our inaugural Collections Service Project at the Shelton History Center in Shelton, CT.

We will spend the day helping their awesome staff to improve their intellectual control over this diverse 3D collection through recording and performing basic cataloging of their uncatalogued materials. As we go, we will be doing some basic rehousing and identifying items which require urgent intervention. Spend the day helping out a great museum, get to know some of your peers, and have fun doing it! We are looking for skilled registrars, collections managers, and conservators who are willing to donate a day’s work to this worthy cause! Lunch will be provided and there is plenty of parking onsite, as well as a charming historic house, barn, and one-room schoolhouse to explore.

Questions? Contact NEMA's Registrars & Collection Care Specialists (RACCS) PAG Co-Chair, Meredith Vasta, Collection Steward, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, at mvasta@fas.harvard.edu or 860-303-5564.

Registration at the NEMA conference is not required to join the project.

(*Please note that this is Election Day! If you are interested in joining us, please don’t forget to organize your absentee ballot!) 

Please complete the form if you are interested in volunteering.

 No, but I'm willing to learn