2022 Conference


Micro/Macro: Solving Museum Issues at Every Scale
2022 Annual Conference
Springfield, MA
November 2-4, 2022 (In-person)

Museums help people understand our place in the world; where do we come from, what do we care about, where could we go next? Sometimes that understanding comes from a tiny moment, standing in front of a painting. Sometimes it’s a planetarium awash in a galaxy of stars. Museums hold both telescopes and microscopes up to examine the human experience.  

For our 2022 NEMA Conference, we invite you to turn those lenses on the work of museums themselves, taking in the big picture and the small. Give us a big picture: what are this year’s big ideas on museums’ role in a more equitable and sustainable society? Consider the continuum: what are your concrete steps that are building towards systemic change? Take a deep dive into your expertise: what are the crucial skills and individual steps you can teach others, to advance our own organizations and careers? 

  • What are you doing in your building, your campus, or your neighborhood to promote sustainability? How are green goals part of your strategic planning, budget allocations, facilities management, and interpretation plan? Where can community partnerships help museums, and where can we be forwarding common goals with our local government?

  • Where is your organization tapped into the civic life of your community? Whose voices are particularly important to implement your equity goals?

  • What new skills are you training your frontline staff and educators to use? How are big issues in current events impacting your programs? What low cost, high impact techniques are available for increasing accessibility in exhibits and programming? 

  • How are you implementing diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives in your policies, hiring, and onboarding processes? Have your policies changed your workplace? What are the current best practices for reducing bias in the workplace? 

  • How have board members, teams, departments, and workflows altered to suit the pandemic and recovery? 

  • How do the big and small pictures interrelate in your experience?