2016 Conference


Click here to download the 2016 Final Program book.

Click here to download a .pdf of the preliminary program.


New Sessions!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016
1:45 - 3:15 pm

Using Assessment Programs to Create Meaningful Change

Meeting national museum standards is not an end unto itself. Using standards to propel your organization forward, however, can reap internal and external benefits for years to come. Assessment programs like the Standards and Excellence Program for History Organizations (StEPs) provide a structure for benchmarking current policies and practices, identifying and prioritizing needed improvements, tracking progress, and articulating successful results. This session will offer examples of how organizations are using StEPs to stimulate positive change.
Facilitator: Cherie Cook, Senior Program Manager, American Association for State and Local History

Thursday, November 10, 2016
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Getting It Paid For: Preparing and Submitting Successful IMLS Grant Applications
In this hands-on workshop, we will explore best practices for preparing a successful IMLS grant application. In Part 1, we will cover every stage from conceptualizing a project to the successful submittal of the application. In Part 2, we will use abbreviated examples of actual applications in a peer review panel so that participants can develop a solid understanding of what happens next. Participants will receive sets of worksheets and support materials for future reference.
Facilitator: Connie Cox Bodner, Ph.D, Supervisory Grants Management Specialist, Office of Museum Services, Institute of Museum and Library Services

Mystic Restaurant Week
Check out Mystic’s culinary scene during Restaurant Week, which overlaps with our conference. Restaurants might be crowded, so we recommend making reservations early. For a list of Restaurant Week establishments, click here.