February Lunch With NEMA


WHEN:  Wednesday, February 27, 2019, Noon - 1 pm
WHAT: Getting it All Done: Your Digital Project Planning Packet
WHO:  Samantha Diamond, Founder and CEO, CultureConnect
FORMAT: Webinar

Museums of all sizes struggle with how to plan for digital projects, coordinate stakeholders and address myriad complexities of executing digital projects. CultureConnect has developed a Digital Project Planning Packet that addresses a cross-section of topics from audience targeting to visitor’s services training, risk assessment to content development and the essential considerations for experience design and software development.

In this webinar, we will review key concepts, the Digital Project Planning Packet and illustrate with case studies along the way. While our emphasis is on digital interpretation projects, these concepts and tools will work for any digital project at your museum.

Samantha Diamond leads CultureConnect, an award-winning museum technology company that helps museums and cultural organizations bring meaningful, engaging mobile and digital interactives to their audiences. The CultureConnect platform is a first-of-its-kind for museums to not only delivery on digital interpretation goals, but also solve technology management challenges. Samantha is a passionate technologist and advocate for museums. She sits on the board of the Museum Computer Network (MCN) industry association and speaks frequently as an expert on technology, learning and engagement at conferences such as the American Alliance for Museums, MuseumNEXT, and Museums and the Web. Samantha and her team have worked with museums both large and small; with newly emerging or robust digital programs: New-York Historical Society; Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bell Museum of Natural History, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art and many more.

 Download a pdf of the presentation here.

 Digital Project Planning Packet