July Lunch with NEMA

WHEN:  Wednesday, July 31, 2019, Noon - 1 pm
WHAT:  Museums in the era of #MeToo. What you can do.
WHO: Michelle Carroll, Associate Director of External Programming, End Rape On Campus
FORMAT: Webinar  

Join End Rape on Campus for a lunchtime webinar on sexual violence. With the prevalence of #MeToo, our workplaces, educational communities, and relationships are changing. We will cover introductory topics related to sexual violence, including relevant definitions, best practices in navigating systems (including the Title IX system), and basics of bystander intervention. We will leave at least 15 minutes for questions and conversation following the webinar.

If you have questions, comments, or concerns that you would like to see discussed, please provide them when you register or you can email Michelle directly at Michelle@endrapeoncampus.org.  All information shared will be kept confidential.

Michelle Carroll (pronouns: she/her/hers) graduated with Honors from Franklin and Marshall College with Bachelor of Arts in Government.  It was during her freshman year that she began organizing her community in response to incidents of sexual violence. While completing her education, she led the Sexual Assault Violence Education (SAVE) Club, the Alice Drum Women’s Center, and planned the annual Take Back the Night. After graduating, Michelle joined Teach for America in Southwest Philadelphia. She carries the lessons from her fourth graders into all of her justice work. In 2016, Michelle joined the New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NYSCASA) as their Director of Campus Projects. While with NYSCASA, Michelle had the pleasure of collaborating with students, rape crisis center advocates, and college administrators on best practices to address collegiate violence. She also managed NYSCASA’s statewide consortium and delivered a social justice oriented education and training program for its membership. In her anti-violence organizing and programming, Michelle brings her queer, white-presenting boricua self with the goal of leveraging her many privileges and building an intersectional activist community. Michelle has presented workshops at several national conferences and is a trained facilitator in Restorative Justice (RJ). She is also a board member of the Campus Advocacy and Prevention Professionals Association (CAPPA) and a certified New York State rape crisis center advocate.


Download a pdf of the presentation here.