June Lunch with NEMA

WHEN:  Wednesday, June 30, 2021, Noon- 1pm
WHAT: Lunchtime at the Frederic Remington Art Museum  
WHO:  Laura Desmond, Curator, Frederic Remington Art Museum, Jakub Janiga, Janiga Design, and Ernesto Mendoza, One By Design
FORMAT: Webinar

Meet up with Curator Laura Desmond at the Frederic Remington Art Museum, along with designers Jakub Janiga (Janiga Design) and Ernesto Mendoza (One By Design) to present the new exhibition about a little known but very influential American sculptor, Sally James Farnham. This virtual tour will introduce you to a brilliant, charming, and determined artist that was one of the number of pioneering women in the field of sculpture, creating works that were ambitious in scope, and sometimes daring in content. She rejected the constrained social expectations of women of her time, competed in a male-dominated field (judged mostly by men), and succeeded. Whether celebrating the freedom of the female body in dance, imbuing a delicate and feminine Joan of Arc with spiritual force and equestrian strength, or playfully reminding us that our paleolithic ancestors weren’t all cave men, Farnham’s work promoted the full development of human freedom and potential.

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