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Abigail Adams Historical Society, Inc.

180 Norton Street, PO Box 147, Weymouth, MA 02191
781 277-1271

Built in 1685, the Abigail Adams birthplace was home to this exceptional woman for the first 20 years of her life. It has survived 2 relocations and now stands as a monument to this extraordinary woman.

The Abigail Adams Historical Society is dedicated to commemorating and educating a worldwide audience about the extraordinary life and times of Abigail Smith Adams, Weymouth’s national treasure, and her legacy of service to country; and to preserving and interpreting her birthplace, the place where her character and ideals were formed, as a resource and inspiration for all.

To that end, we hold regular events including talks about the life and times of Abigail Adams with guest speakers, screenings of relevant films and special events.