About MuseumsNewEngland.org
NEMA has created a new website, MuseumsNewEngland.org, to promote member museums to potential visitors, event planners, and tourism entities. NEMA institutional members are welcome to participate in this new, cost-free marketing opportunity.
Do you know that when someone does a web search for "New England museums," the NEMA website is usually first on the list of results? We are parlaying this fact into an opportunity to market our member museums with Museums New England. Promoting your museum on this site is a free benefit that is available to all NEMA institutional members.
Museums New England will allow potential visitors the chance to explore all that our region has to offer in one convenient location.
All you need to do is create a one-time profile for your museum and link it to your website.
We are in the process of transitioning to a new website. Once the new website is launched, we will be emailing NEMA members on how to access and/or update their listing. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Heather A. Riggs at (781) 641-0013, or heather.riggs@nemanet.org.