NEMA Museums New England

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Art Complex Museum

189 Alden Street, P.O. Box 2814, Duxbury, MA 02331
(781) 934-6634

The Art Complex Museum is a contemporary structure of glass and wood on over thirteen acres of open fields and woodlands in an historic, sea-side community on the South Shore. It serves as a center for regional arts and for the collections of the Carl A. Weyerhaeuser family. Exhibitions offer much variety including contemporary artists, group and traveling shows and works from the collection, known for its strengths in Shaker objects, works on paper, American paintings and Asian art. Additional attractions include an art library, Japanese tea hut with presentations, concerts, lectures and classes. The museum and its programs are supported by the Carl A. Weyerhaeuser Family Charitable Trusts and by gifts from friends of the Museum. All programs, unless otherwise noted, are free.