NEMA Museums New England

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Héritage Winooski Mill Museum

20 Winooski Falls Way, Suite 301, Winooski, VT 05404
(802) 355-9937

The Heritage Winooski Mill Museum examines the industrial, cultural and social history of the 19th and 20th century mill era at Winooski Falls and Vermont, strives to preserve collections and shares stories with exhibits, programs and publications that make historical events relevant to 21st century issues.

The Mill Museum is an important resource for educators and students, a value to the community, and a substantial contribution to documenting the industrial and cultural history of Vermont.

Its inception in 1998 was a time when many former mill workers were still alive, able to contribute their tools and other artifacts, and to share their stories.

Exhibits include artifacts, a wool to cloth video, a working transfer of waterpower model, photographs and descriptive panels with stories of mill workers, mill owners and mill community life that preserve the history of the Winooski Falls mill era, 1839-1954. Descriptive labels, some in French and English, include former workers' anecdotes.