NEMA Museums New England

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Museum Profile

Historic Newton

527 Washington St., Newton, MA 02458

Historic Newton...

-Operates two museums—the Jackson Homestead and the Durant-Kenrick House and Grounds—and preserves three historic burying grounds in the City of Newton. Both museum sites offer family friendly exhibitions featuring interactives, media programs and other activities. At the Jackson Homestead, Confronting Our Legacy: Slavery and Anti-Slavery in the North focuses on the house’s history as a site on the Underground Railroad. The exhibition at Durant-Kenrick features text, media, games, life-sized images and smell boxes, both inside and out, addressing Newton citizens’ role in the American Revolution and in the 19th century horticultural revolution.

-Collects, preserves, interprets, and exhibits historic artifacts of local significance. Maintains an archive of historic documents, photographs, maps, and other materials related to the history of Newton.

-Offer workshops, lectures, walking tours, discussions, and other educational programs for children and adults.