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Senator Justin S. Morrill State Historic Site

214 Morrill Memorial Highway, Strafford, VT 05072
(802) 828-3051

The Justin Morrill Homestead is a National Historic Landmark and state-owned historic site administered by the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation. The 17-room, Gothic Revival-style mansion was built by Senator Justin Morrill in 1851. Morrill served in the U.S. House and Senate from 1854 to 1898, and was chief sponsor of the 1862 and 1890 Land-Grant Acts, making higher education possible for peoples from all walks of life. As Chairman of the Senate Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, in 1873 Morrill commissioned Frederick Law Olmsted to plan the groundbreaking landscape
design for the U.S. Capitol grounds. Guided tours of Morrill’s historic house feature original furnishings and family possessions. Self-guided interpretive signs lead visitors through exquisite 19th-century Victorian-era gardens exemplifying the Romantic Landscape Movement in America. Outbuildings include an icehouse and interpretive exhibits in an historic barn.

The Friends of the Morrill Homestead is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization that fosters a greater awareness of the life and legacy of Senator Justin Morrill and works closely with the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation to preserve and restore this historic property of national significance. Each year, the Friends offer engaging programs and exciting events, and partner with the State of Vermont’s Division for Historic Preservation to manage a number of projects and initiatives. As part of these ongoing efforts, the Friends:
• Offer educational programs and workshops in history, horticulture, architecture, art and the environment, including gatherings to explore and further the egalitarian legacy and impact of Senator Morrill’s Land Grant Colleges, as well as his work in Capitol art and architecture.
• Produce enriching and entertaining public events and exhibits, including our annual summer Gallery in the Garden and 19th Century Apple & Cheese Harvest Festival.
• Grow and maintain the historically accurate Victorian-era gardens and grounds.