Museum Profile
Lexington Historical Society
Lexington Historical Society is an energetic group of people interested in Lexington’s history and heritage and enthused about presenting it to the public. We give tours of our fascinating historic sites, where the events of the early days of the American Revolution unfolded. Visitors walk in the steps of John Hancock, Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, and George Washington! The Society provides programming year-round for all ages:
Lectures and book groups for adults
Educational programs for school groups
A summer camp
Parties, picnics, and family fun
Artistic and cultural exhibits and events
We pride ourselves on making the most of Lexington’s growing diversity through collaborative community programs. The Society has extensive collections from throughout three hundred years of Lexington history, which we display in engaging exhibits in many venues throughout our community.
The Historical Society a private non-profit organization but is sometimes confused with two Town regulatory entities: the Historic Districts Commission, which regulates the exterior look of houses in the Town’s four historic districts, and the Historical Commission, which administers the Town’s demolition delay by-law in areas beyond the historic districts and oversees the Town’s cultural resources inventory.