NEMA Museums New England

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Museum Profile

Museum of World War II

Administrative Office, 46, Natick, MA 01760
(508) 653-1944

Saving the Reality: A Sacred Mission

The Museum of World War II is a research and educational institution devoted to preserving and exhibiting the reality of World War II. It is the most comprehensive collection of documents and artifacts on display anywhere in the world, with over 7,000 artifacts on display; more than 500,000 documents and photographs are in the research archives.

The Museum’s mission is to preserve the reality of those who fought on home fronts and battle fronts to destroy evil and to make this reality part of today’s education. It is the mission of the Museum to make the lessons of the causes and events of World War II understood, and their relevance to today’s events appreciated. An understanding of the future is found in the history of human events.

The Museum uniquely shows the human story interwoven with the military and political events through all of the artifacts that made up life, from everyday, to the most momentous decisions during the war.

Education, through the Museum's exhibitions and our Education Center, is the fundamental mission in preserving the reality of World War II.