NEMA Museums New England

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Pilgrim Hall Museum

75 Court Street, Plymouth, MA 02360
(508) 746-1620

Pilgrim Hall Museum (PHM), erected 1824, is the oldest continuously operating museum in the country. The museum’s unsurpassed collection of Pilgrim possessions connects you with the actual experiences of America’s earliest beginnings. What did the English families aboard the Mayflower bring with them to make a new life in a new world? See everyday objects like the wicker cradle of Peregrine White, the Bible of early Governor William Bradford, and the fashionable hat worn by teenager Constance Hopkins. Explore the history and mythology of the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag of early Plymouth in an array of changing and permanent exhibitions, and uncover a story of struggle, courage, perseverance, and hope. Pilgrim Hall Museum is open seven days a week, 9:30 am-4:30 pm, from mid-February through December, including Thanksgiving Day.