NEMA Museums New England

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Rundlet-May House

364 Middle Street, Portsmouth , NH 03801

Merchant James Rundlet and his wife Jane built their home on a terraced rise and filled it with the finest furnishings available. The complex of connected outbuildings, including carriage barn and privies, borders the elaborate gardens and orchard in what was both an urban showplace and home for the Rundlets' large family.

Rundlet equipped his home with the latest technologies. The kitchen boasts both a Rumford roaster and a Rumford range, as well as a set kettle and an elaborate venting system that services a smoke room on the third floor. There is an early coal-fired central heating system and an indoor well.

Rundlet-May House shows four generations of family possessions, ranging from original 1807 wallcoverings and furniture to twentieth-century additions by the Rundlets' great-grandchildren. The gardens retain their original layout with plantings that were popular during the Colonial Revival period.