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Sandwich Historical Society

PO Box 244, 4 Maple Street, Center Sandwich, NH 03227
603 284-6269

The Elisha Marston House Museum is the headquarters for the Sandwich Historical Society. The ca. 1850’s house is furnished with period furniture and artwork from the town of Sandwich. An addition built in 1972 features a new exhibit each summer downstairs with a research library upstairs. The attached barn has displays of farm implements, tools, and furniture as well as a gift shop. The Museum is open during the summer and early fall Weds – Sat.

Just down the street, the Quimby Barn and carriage shed house the Society’s Transportation Museum which includes a Concord Coach. The Transportation Museum is open Saturdays in the summer months and during Sandwich Fair weekend.

A little further down the road is the Mt Israel Grange Hall. The rustic Grange Hall is used for seasonal programs and suppers. The second floor features a stage curtain painted by artist Fred G. Quimby in the late 1890’s.

The last building owned by the Society, the Lower Corner School House, is a short drive away. The one-room school was in use from 1825 to 1949. Open house afternoons are scheduled periodically in the summer.