NEMA Museums New England

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Museum Profile

Swift River Valley Historical Society

40 Elm Street, PO Box 22, PO Box 22, New Salem, MA 01355
(978) 544-6882

SRVHS was formally organized for the purpose of preserving artifacts, records, and memories from the towns of Dana, Enfield, Prescott and Greenwich as well as several villages including Millington, which was actually a part of New Salem. These towns ceased to exist at 12:01 on April 28, 1938 when they became the bed of the great Quabbin Reservoir. The goals of SRVHS as always are:

To encourage a love of research.

To collect, preserve and display items from the Valley homes and families.

To make genealogical records available and assist in searches whenever possible.

To serve as a learning tool for school children and others interested in learning about a way of life in early New England.