NEMA Museums New England

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Vermont History Museum

109 State Street, Montpelier, VT 05602
(802) 828-2291

Our museum's core exhibit, "Freedom and Unity: One Ideal, Many Stories," opened in March 2004 and won a national award. The multimedia exhibit, which represents Vermont's history from 1600 to the present, fills 5,000 square feet in the Pavilion Building in Montpelier. Visitors walk through time and experience a full-sized Abenaki wigwam, a re-creation of the Catamount Tavern where Ethan Allen's Green Mountain Boys gathered, a railroad station complete with a working telegraph and a WWII living room furnished with period music and magazines.

Educational groups are admitted free, and group tours can be arranged.

The museum shop offers some products from the Historical Society's online store—a wide variety of books, gifts, maps, and games—as well as Vermont Life products.