NEMA Appeal 2021

Your support and participation throughout the year makes NEMA possible, thank you! NEMA continues to be a dedicated place for crucial conversations and vital professional networks for you and our museum field.  For more than a century, NEMA has been bringing together museum professionals to be inspired and connect through the good times and challenging times.

You make NEMA possible. Your support makes the programs you love possible:

  • Free Virtual Programming: From meet-ups and town-halls to the monthly "Lunch With NEMA" webinars, during this time NEMA has continued to provide critical professional development on a range of discussion, all for free and all archived on the NEMA website.

  • New England Museums Now: The informative e-journal with in-depth exploration of topical issues and the latest happenings, opportunities, and insights in museums today. 

  • Conference Scholarships: Critical funds to ensure conference is accessible and inclusive of a range of museum professional voices.

If you believe in our programs, the museum professionals we connect and inspire, and appreciate our value to the museum community, please consider supporting NEMA. Thank you to the generous donors and those who have given in the past. We cannot do great work without your kind donations. Your gift during this time, whether it's $10 or $100, makes the field stronger. Thank you.






"Being a first time executive director as well as re-entering the field after 7 years, the opportunity to attend the NEMA conference on scholarship provided an incredible learning experience without breaking the bank of my small institution."

2019 Scholarship Recipient

"Thanks to the scholarship I received from NEMA, I was able to attend the annual conference and connect with other museum professionals who are tackling collections storage and accessibility projects similar to those my colleagues and I are undertaking. I had the opportunity to cheer their successes, learn from their hurdles, and draw inspiration from their creativity."
2019 Scholarship Recipient

"NEMA is a tremendous resource to The House of the Seven Gables Settlement Association. Key staff members benefit from timely and relevant professional development and networking opportunities. We often look to resources, such as the sample documents, when reviewing or developing policies. And each month we eagerly await the NEMA Stats report so we can evaluate our visitation levels relative to other sites. We support NEMA because NEMA supports us."
Kara McLaughlin. Executive Director, The House of the Seven Gables Settlement Association

"For more than four decades, NEMA has supplied critical resources and support to my professional life. I find NEMA to be the best forum for gathering colleagues and ideas together, for nurturing lifelong professional friendships and learning, and for framing messages about the importance of the work of museums in the communities we serve.  Museums, and those of us who are NEMA members, are stronger because of NEMA’s work."
Lawrence J. Yerdon, President & CEO, Strawbery Banke Museum


For more information, click here.

For a list of donors, click here.