Aidron Duckworth Art Museum, VT

Mila Pinigin appointed director.

Boston Children’s Museum, MA

Sue Kim appointed vice president of development.

Canterbury Shaker Village, NH

Katharine Muth appointed major gifts officer.

David Ford appointed onsite property manager.

The Children’s Museum of New Hampshire

Neva Cole appointed communications director.

Currier Museum of Art, NH

Susan Strickler has announced her retirement as of June 2016.

ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, VT

David Bardaglio appointed director of finance and administration.

ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, VT

Barry Lampke appointed Voices for the Lake Project Manager.

ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, VT

Nina Ridhibhinyo appointed director of programs and exhibits.

ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, VT

Kate Sheehan appointed manager of media relations and promotions.

Fort Adams Trust, RI

Joe Dias appointed executive director.

Harvard Art Museums, MA

Ethan Lasser promoted to Theodore E. Stebbins, Jr., Curator of American Art—the first person to hold this endowed position at the museums. Lasser had served as acting head of the division since December 2014.

A. Cassandra Albinson appointed the Margaret S. Winthrop Curator of European Art.

Elizabeth M. Rudy, who has been at the museums since 2011, was named the new Carl A. Weyerhaeuser Associate Curator of Prints.

Rachel Saunders appointed the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Associate Curator of Asian Art. She is the first to hold this endowed position at the museums.

Hood Museum of Art, NH

John Stomberg appointed director.

The House of the Seven Gables, MA

Julie Arrison appointed special projects manager, a new position created to deliver project management, planning and implementation support for key organizational initiatives. 

Imagine Nation, A Museum Early Learning Center, CT

Coral Richardson appointed director.

Institute for Library and Museum Services, DC

Dr. Kathryn "Kit" Matthew appointed director.

Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, MA

Peggy Fogelman appointed Norma Jean Calderwood Director.

Lowell National Historical Park, MA

As of November 1, 2015, David Blackburn will be the Site Manager of Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site in Elverson, Pennsylvania. After eight years as the Chief of Cultural Resources at Lowell National Historical Park, David is thrilled to be leading a unique site's preservation and programming into the future. 

Mattapoisett Historical Society, MA

Dr. Jeffrey Miller appointed curator.

Museum of African American History, MA

Beverly A. Morgan-Welch will be joining the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, DC, as the Associate Director for External Affairs, beginning in November. Former WGBH Vice President and former MAAH Board Chair Marita Rivero will become Interim Executive Director.

Museum of Science, Boston

Ellie Starr appointed senior vice president for advancement.

Museum of World War II, MA

Samantha Heywood appointed museum director and director of exhibitions.

Nantucket Historical Association, MA

Angela Grove appointed Sacerdote Chair of Education.

New Britain Museum of American Art, CT

Min Jung Kim appointed director.

Orleans Historical Society, MA

Gail Nessell Colglazier appointed director.

Peabody Essex Museum, MA

Sarah Kennel, Ph.D. appointed curator of photography.

Royal Ontario Museum, Canada

Joshua Basseches, former NEMA board president, appointed chief executive officer.

Southold Historical Society, NY

Karen Lund-Rooney appointed director.

Vermont Historical Society

Stephen Perkins appointed executive director.

Kristin Dodge appointed development officer.

John Grosvenor appointed director of finance and operations.

Wood Memorial Library & Museum

David Langone, appointed executive director.